Monday, February 2, 2009

my new puppy Hudson

Hudson is a york shire terrier and is a cutie he is going to come home with me in 5 days. I hope he will like his new home and will like his new friend shadow! He is so cute the lady picked out the best boy and it was the best boy!! He looks more like his father and his fathers name is pee wee and is tiny and the one were getting is just like the father so it will be like three pounds at least. When i post a picture you'll know and see what i mean! I can't wait till i get my new Yorkshire terrier puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'll be waiting to see that picture! A friend of mine has "yorkies" and I know how cute they are. You are a lucky girl!

  2. I am so happy for you! -Everyone in this house is sure excited too. I can just see you now with a little puppy purse.... Can't wait to see him and Take pictures of him and his new brother Shadow..

  3. I like the name! I know Shadow will love him. Or tolerate him. One or the other.
